Thursday, April 30, 2009

Camel Humps

These days URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) aren't just found on the Web, they can be seen printed on just about everything from product packaging to bottle caps and billboards, and at-a-glance long URLs or URLs printed using extra small fonts can be tricky to read. Other than abbreviating URLs or using acronyms for long company names, think GMAC for example, the best way to make a long URL easier to read is to use "camel humps" - capitalizing the first letter of each word in the URL.

CamelHumpsAllowTheEyeToQuicklyPickOutTheFirstLetterOfEachWord making each word easier
to read. Usinglowercasetextfortheentireurlcanmaketheurlmoredifficulttoread, and easier to read should equal easier to remember which from a marketing prospective is a good thing.

Click to view larger image.

This technique can also be applied to e-mail addresses that might appear in print -